Natural Living

The Pursuit of A Well-Balanced Natural Lifestyle

The purpose of Naturally Ely is to document the transition to a more natural based lifestyle while living in an urban, fast-paced world.

Follow the journey of Elizabeth (Ely) to find healthier, self-sustainable ways of living. From changes in eating habits and attempts at an indoor, urban garden, to creating natural cleaning and beauty products.

To learn more about how you can join you are welcome to follow along with me on social media and the blog or contact me today. I look forward to helping you start your natural living journey and learning from you as well.

Dedication to Healthy Eating

I am dedicated to eating a healthier diet in order to eat to live! From growing my own fruits and vegetables (or at least trying to) to consuming less processed foods, I’m working to find the “perfect” balance. Find the right diet and exercise regimen that works for you. We are all different.

Natural Healthy Product Alternatives

Are you looking to incorporate natural products into your daily life? Want to learn how to make your own natural products at home? Or perhaps you are curious about products that are currently available on the market.

Why it is Important to Live Naturally

Living a natural lifestyle is important not only for our own health benefits (of which there are many), but it is also important to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet. 

In a world obsessed with beauty and perfection by any means necessary, Naturally Ely seeks to embrace being natural while educating and learning, without preaching.