Welcome to Naturally Ely

Hello and welcome to the Naturally Ely blog. If you found this blog because you follow me on my various social media platforms, then thank you for your continued support and love. If you stumbled upon this blog thanks to the guidance of the algorithm gods, then I hope you not only find what you were looking for, but so much more.

If you are looking for polished, expertly put together content and videos that make you feel like you are not worthy, then I’m afraid you came to the wrong place. But if you are looking for a conversation with someone who feels like a friend and is a work in progress, then let’s chat. To get an idea of who I am and what I do, you can check out my YouTube intro videoand Instagram post . If you like what you see, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and follow.

Every day, I am learning and striving to do better than the day before. That doesn’t mean that I don’t trip up or mess up from time to time. Documenting my journey, ugly truths and all, helps to keep me accountable. And if even one other person gets something out of it, then it is all worth it. Sharing my experience also allows people further along the same path to offer their knowledge or guidance. There is so much information out there, that at times, it can be difficult to filter through it all and decipher what is right or what is wrong when trying to educate yourself. Figuring out where to start or where you went wrong when things don’t go as expected can feel overwhelming.

So, wherever you are in your journey to a healthier, more natural and self sustainable way of life, I welcome you to join the conversation, ask questions, offer advice, or just enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people.